Social Responsibility

Conscious Partnerships for the World’s First All Kids NFT Gallery!

Our journey began with a group of children eager to create a unique art gallery that would stand out from the rest. Their curiosity led them to explore the exciting world of Web3, NFTs, and blockchain technology. However, they were also mindful of the environmental impact associated with some blockchain platforms.

Why Solana?

To align with our values of sustainability and inclusivity, we partnered with Solana, a blockchain renowned for its environmentally conscious approach. Here’s why Solana was the perfect choice for our All Kids NFT Gallery:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Solana is designed to be extremely energy efficient. A single transaction on Solana uses only 1,939 Joules, which is less than the energy required for two Google searches. This efficiency is significantly lower compared to other blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin​ (​​ (​.

  2. Real-Time Emissions Tracking: Solana is the first major blockchain to implement real-time emissions measurement. This innovative feature, developed in collaboration with Trycarbonara, allows precise tracking of the network’s carbon footprint, enabling continuous monitoring and improvements​ (​.

  3. Carbon Neutrality: In 2021, the Solana Foundation achieved carbon neutrality through various initiatives, including funding the destruction of potent greenhouse gases like CFCs and HFCs. This commitment to offsetting carbon emissions ensures that the Solana network remains environmentally friendly​ (​.

  4. Community-Driven Values: Solana’s ecosystem is built on inclusive and community-driven values, fostering a supportive environment for creators of all ages. This aligns perfectly with our mission to empower children in the digital art space​

We invite you to explore the vibrant world of digital art created by talented young artists. Our partnership with Solana not only showcases their creativity but also ensures that we do so with minimal environmental impact. Together, we are paving the way for a sustainable and inclusive future in the world of NFTs.

Experience the magic of the All Kids NFT Gallery and be a part of this groundbreaking initiative!

As part of our mission to be more eco-conscious we have also decided that we would estimate our energy use for the Gallery event and offset the carbon footprint by a one off donation of £20 to Woodland trust. This equates to offsetting 8 tonnes of carbon ( which sufficiently covers our carbon footprint and more for the 1 day event and vehicles used to transport equipment etc. 

To further our aim of being more eco-conscious we also have decided to source sustainable organic merchandise products for sale where possible. 

 Charitable Partnerships

Gallery Event, NFT, and Merch Sale Profits Donation Policy

At Almiat Empire, we are committed to making a positive impact on the world through our art and community initiatives. As part of this commitment, we are proud to announce our policy to donate 20% of the profits from all our gallery events, NFT sales, and merchandise sales to two exceptional charities: Save the Children UK and Friends of the Earth UK.

Our Charitable Partners

  1. Save the Children UK: Save the Children UK works tirelessly to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up healthy, educated, and safe. Their programs focus on providing education, healthcare, and emergency aid to children in need, both in the UK and around the world. By supporting Save the Children UK, we are helping to create a brighter future for children who need it most.

  2. Friends of the Earth UK: Friends of the Earth UK is dedicated to protecting the planet and promoting environmental sustainability. Their efforts encompass a wide range of initiatives, from combating climate change and preserving natural habitats to advocating for cleaner air and reducing plastic pollution. Our contributions to Friends of the Earth UK help advance their mission to ensure a healthier and more sustainable environment for current and future generations.

How Our Donations Work

  • Gallery Events: For every ticket sold and every piece of artwork purchased at our gallery events, 20% of the profits will be evenly split between Save the Children UK and Friends of the Earth UK. This means that every event you attend not only enriches your cultural experience but also supports vital charitable work.

  • NFT Sales: As we venture into the digital art space with NFTs, we are committed to ensuring that our success in this innovative field benefits those in need. 20% of the profits from all our NFT sales will be donated equally to our chosen charities, allowing us to leverage new technology for a good cause.

  • Merchandise Sales: From exclusive art prints to branded merchandise, our products are designed to bring art into your everyday life. With every purchase, you contribute to a greater good, as 20% of the profits from our merchandise sales are directed to Save the Children UK and Friends of the Earth UK.

Join Us in Making a Difference

By choosing to support Almiat Empire, you are not only investing in unique and inspiring art business project by 4 young entrepreneurs, but also playing a part in making a significant positive impact on the world. We believe that together, we can create meaningful change and support the incredible work of Save the Children UK and Friends of the Earth UK.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for helping us make a difference. For more information about our charitable initiatives or to get involved, please contact us at .

This policy reflects our dedication to social responsibility and our desire to use art as a force for good. We are grateful for your support and look forward to continuing our journey towards a more compassionate and sustainable world.